We Make the Future

Art and culture are powerful engines for political engagement. That’s the basis for the work of WDN Action grantee Cultural Engagement Lab (CEL).

CEL organizes a powerful network of seasoned artists and culture makers from impacted communities to lend their storytelling talents to meaningful advocacy, electoral, and civic engagement efforts. When campaigns and organizations partner with artists to tell authentic and compelling stories, they can win in the near-term and reshape the narrative landscape over the long-term. One recent project demonstrates how this formula works.

“Goal” and “Together”—two recent voter engagement PSAs that CEL created and tested—highlight the importance of centering the people who made change happen last year and underscore the idea that WE make the future.

Testing results show that both ads increased political mobilization, especially with audiences under 35.

“Together” was most effective at increasing mobilization with Latinx men, and Latinx audiences under 35 specifically.

“Goals” effectiveness in increasing support for voting rights legislation and mobilization within key audiences was most widespread among Black respondents. The ad was especially effective with young Black audiences (18-24 and 25-34) and with Black women.

Click here to see more of CEL’s content.

WDN Action’s strategy is building power, winning elections, and changing the political possibilities. We are proud to fund groups like CEL that are leading cultural and narrative strategies that help make these goals possible.


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