Continued Investments Lead to Big Policy Wins in MN

On February 21, the Minnesota Senate passed a bill 35-30 that will restore voting rights to approximately 55,000 people convicted of felonies immediately upon completion of their incarceration. Under current state law, those released from jail or prison must wait until they're off probation and have paid their fines to regain their voting rights. This historic victory is a crucial step towards creating a more equitable and just society—and a direct result of decades of hard work by activists and organizers who have been tirelessly fighting for voting rights. 

The Senate also passed a bill giving undocumented residents a chance to get a driver’s license. The bill would impact the estimated 81,000 undocumented immigrants who live in Minnesota — as well as their families, particularly children who rely on their parents to get around. Both bills are expected to be signed by Gov. Tim Walz.

The line connecting continued investment in state-based organizations with incredible policy wins like these is clear. By funding groups like Faith in Minnesota (whose c3 arm was a lead on the Restore the Vote effort) that helped flip the Minnesota Senate in 2022, making it a more reflective body, WDN Action is supporting advocacy organizing and helping partners build the community power and trust that’s needed to win elections.


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